It was also an incredibly hot day, so I was very grateful for the press tent. Someone had the great idea to set up a backstage area for press and bring in food so that we could photograph and taste it without waiting in the crazy lines.
Pink's loves writing on their hot dogs

Bagel and lox from Barney Greengrass
After awhile the band backstage hosted a "meet and greet" and all of those people swarmed into the press tent and started eating all of the food. I was lucky enough to get the next-to-last slice of Juniors cheesecake. Pure heaven.
This banner was on the wall. If you sponsored the press tent, Foodbuzz, I love you!
But I couldn't hang out in the tent all day. Bobby Flay taught us how to make the perfect burger. He was the king of gestures.
Marshall Crenshaw was playing

I had to check out the wine tent, though I couldn't drink since I didn't have a designated driver.
The nice people at J Moss

Maybe just one beer

But I was really excited to find the dessert area. Charles Chocolates: the Perfect S'more

I met Tony Luke, who was supercool, telling me all of the restaurants I should hit on my upcoming trip to Philly. When he found out I hadn't got a photo one of his cheesesteaks, he sent me with his co-worker into the back of their booth to get pictures of them cooking a steak sandwich.

Where it all starts

After making the sandwich and holding it out for pictures, the guy said, "You want it or not?" I asked then to wrap it up so the people in line didn;t rise up as one and slay me. Later that night in my room, a movie and that sandwich made for a fantastic night.

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